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ILD MS Half Court Classic 2012 Square logo 2How can the Greater Illinois Chapter staff help you?

Fundraising might seem like a challenge, but with our help it can be much easier. Greater Illinois Chapter staff are dedicated to helping you achieve your goal.

1. For general questions, fundraising ideas, or to share your story, contact Melissa Foley at 312.423.1140 or  

2. Having trouble managing your online fundraising campaign? Click the Fundraising 101 link in the left sidebar to find instructions on setting up and using your Participant Center and Personal Page. Or contact us (see above) and we can walk you through the process.

3. Make your Personal Page truly personal. This is the place to tell your story. Use it to tell people why you've joined the movement to end MS, and include your photo. The better you connect with friends, family, and associates from the heart, the bigger the chance they'll help you raise funds.

4. You may also want to schedule time each week to thank donors who have contributed to your campaign and remind others that you haven’t heard from them yet.

5. Reached your goal already? Increase your goal online! Donors are less inclined to donate if you’ve already reached your goal. There is no penalty or problem with changing your goal amount.


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